STEP 1: The Mobile bot

The eBOT line allows you to build a custom system specific to the demands of your operation. The first step in the process is to select the three main features that will create the robot itself. This includes the module to carry the load, the energy module, and the drive module.

The first step is to choose the Module to carry the load (eCarrier). Depending on the product being transported throughout your facility, you will have the option to choose between a “Fork”, “Clamp”, “Lift Table”, “Conveyer”, “Tugger” or “Custom” carrier. For example, if you need to move pallets of product throughout your facility, a forklift type robot will be ideal. Multiple types can also be selected in order to build an AGV fleet for each type of situation within your facility. All the vehicles can work in the same system under one common control system.


Next, the energy module (ePower) is selected. The two main battery options are AGM and lithium-ion. AGM batteries have a shorter life but cost less. Lithium-ion batteries, on the other hand, cost more but have a longer life. Though quick charge is recommended, a standard charge option is available. For each type of battery, you can choose automatic charging, which means the robot charges as needed by itself or choose to manually plug the robot in when charge is needed.

All AGM and lithium-ion batteries are equipped with multiple built-in safety features ensuring the safety of those working. Batteries are maintenance free, sealed, unspillable, and won't gas.


Lastly, the drive module or weight capacity (eDriver), is determined. Depending on the products being transported, an ideal weight capacity is selected. General payload ranges from around 2,000 lbs. to 20,000 lbs and beyond. Since we are creating a custom vehicle, we can accommodate any load size.

STEP 2: The system MANAGER

The next step in the process is to think about the "manager" of your system. For your system to run efficiently on its own, pickup and drop off locations, main roadways, size of fleet and how the AGV will be dispatched will need to be determined.
The first thing to think about for the System Manager, is the pickup and drop off locations (eLocation). This involves looking at your factory or facility and deciding where the robots will pick up and drop off product. Ideally, you'll have a drawing of the factory with marks identifying pick up and drop off locations.

Next, it is important to select the main roadways and travel paths (eRoadway) to determine the distance between locations. These will be the general paths within the aisleways the robots follow to get from pick up to drop off.

ebot fleet
Determining the size of the fleet (eBot Fleet) is the next step in the process. By taking the distance between each location and the number of loads that need moved between locations, we can determine how many robots will be needed to get the job done.

Calculate Distance & Throughput
for each route
Find required vehicle count for each route
Add up all parts to arrive at total fleet requirement
The last step in determining the System Manager, is to define how the robots will be dispatched (eDispatch). Essentially this is how the vehicles will get “called” to pick up and drop off product either through a call button, sensor, touch screen, smart controller, host computer communication, or a method custom to your operation.


The next step is to choose how the system will track and record product as they move through a facility. None of these options are required but are additional features that can be added per request.
The first type of tracking is data tracking for product during a mission (eProduct). Tracking is logged wherever your products go. The robot system constantly stores information regarding your product, anytime it moves within your facility creating a report that can be viewed at any time.

The next type is for product data that is stored for inventory or in buffer areas (eStorage). This type of tracking is useful for facilities that contain many loads that are not onboard a robot, but instead stored to be moved later.

Gather Information Using Smart Software
Determine Best Place to Store Product
Organize Products for Easy Accessibility
eWorker Takes Over & Does the Work
Lastly, there is an option for “checking” any product (eInspect). This feature allows you the ability to add ‘check points’ within your facility ensuring loads are correct and automatically corrected if necessary. This feature also gives you the ability to check weight/dimensions and load errors. All information regarding the results of the checks can be found in one convenient report.

Ability to 'Check' Product Via Barcodes